Friday, January 10, 2020

Could the Sayians killed by Freiza still be alive?

So In the Movie "Dragon Ball Super Broly". Was shown a new timeline for the Dragon Ball history, It came with a lot of changes. Like with Bardocks somewhat death:
On the left we have Bardock in the original timeline and on the right we have the new Bardock from the DBSB movie. With this change it was shown that this new Bardock was more caring then his previous version and he didn't gain the Future vision they're he couldn't see future events in where his son beats Freiza. He also stood with Gine (His wife) together they sent Goku off to Earth minutes before Bardock goes up into space and try to stop Freiza from destroying Planet Vegeta.

The same events still happen. Bardock fights the Freiza Force but yet the same events happen.

Planet Vegeta gets Destroyed along with all the sayians that were on the planet at the time.
But it was shown in the Movie that the same characters survived:

We could clearly see that Vegeta, Raditz, Goku, Broly and Brolys father survived and also the other 2 sayians with Vegeta and Nappa at the time.


But here is My theory:
Ok so we know durning the Freiza saga that they use the Namek Dragon Balls to wish for every one except for Goku and Freiza to get teleported to Earth.

So when they got to Earth they collect all the Earths Dragon Balls and wish for everyone who was Killed by Freiza to come back to life. So therefore characters like Yamcha, Krillian, Tein, Chotzu, Piccolo, and even Vegeta came back to life. Oh and Nappa.

But by wishing this would that also Bring back everyone else killed by freiza to come back? Like all the people killed by the Freiza force? So what the Sayians came back to life. If this was true that means The Sayian race came back to life but were relocated to another planet similar to Planet Vegeta. That means King Vegeta, Bardock and Gine all came back to life.

But also remember that they wish For anyone who killed by and his troops to come back to life. So therefore wouldn't that also mean that Recoome, Burter, Jeice, Guldo, and Captain Ginyu, Zarbon and Dodoria and Nappa come back to life? Since Vegeta killed them?

So if this Theory was true then Goku would have both his parents back and he Vegeta would finally become king. But also This would mean that Goku and Vegeta would be the same age as there parents. 

But it was shown that Vegeta had a brother who was Banish from the Planet Vegeta many years ago for being weak. But also I Think if Goku would want a complete family he would use the Earths Dragon Balls to bring back Grampa Gohan and Raditz.


I came up with this Theory after watching the Dragon Ball Super Broly movie. And thought about it for awhile. But let me know what you think in the Comments below.