Tuesday, August 4, 2020

Danny Phantom theory 2: What if Danny's cousin/clone Danielle wasn't really his clone?

So we all know of Danielle "Dani" she was the clone/cousin to Danny Phantom, but what if she wasn't a clone. What happen if she was really his oldest sister? In the Early days of Danny Phantom before what we got, Danny was originally going to have twin sisters but they decide to make it so he had one sister. So what if he still had a older sister and what if like Danny she was there when the parents and Vlad were making the 2nd prototype of the Ghost portal and just like Danny she step inside but she hit the button that would activate the machine it didn't grant her the Ghost DNA like it did for Danny but in stead it accidently killed her. Since the machine was still in its beta stage It probly wasn't safe for humans. Her death would of been so dramatic to the Fenton's. Knowing what had happen and wanting to continue the project Vlad would of use a machine to erase the current Fenton's memories of the daughter they lost. So years later after Danny's transformation and such Vlad took what he had left of the Fenton's dead daughter, He would take her DNA and Danny's DNA to combine them and make Danielle. He also took away the memory that the clone had of her past life and made her believe she was the cousin to the Fenton's kids.

But we know that she was the only clone to survive and we also now know that she went to explore the world and find her place, but what would happen if she could regain her true memories and return and help her true family unlock there's. (Well except for Danny cause he probly wouldn't of been born yet at the time of her death.) 

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