Tuesday, August 4, 2020

Danny Phantom theory 2: What if Danny's cousin/clone Danielle wasn't really his clone?

So we all know of Danielle "Dani" she was the clone/cousin to Danny Phantom, but what if she wasn't a clone. What happen if she was really his oldest sister? In the Early days of Danny Phantom before what we got, Danny was originally going to have twin sisters but they decide to make it so he had one sister. So what if he still had a older sister and what if like Danny she was there when the parents and Vlad were making the 2nd prototype of the Ghost portal and just like Danny she step inside but she hit the button that would activate the machine it didn't grant her the Ghost DNA like it did for Danny but in stead it accidently killed her. Since the machine was still in its beta stage It probly wasn't safe for humans. Her death would of been so dramatic to the Fenton's. Knowing what had happen and wanting to continue the project Vlad would of use a machine to erase the current Fenton's memories of the daughter they lost. So years later after Danny's transformation and such Vlad took what he had left of the Fenton's dead daughter, He would take her DNA and Danny's DNA to combine them and make Danielle. He also took away the memory that the clone had of her past life and made her believe she was the cousin to the Fenton's kids.

But we know that she was the only clone to survive and we also now know that she went to explore the world and find her place, but what would happen if she could regain her true memories and return and help her true family unlock there's. (Well except for Danny cause he probly wouldn't of been born yet at the time of her death.) 

Danny Phantom Theory 1: Ember's Song explains her backstory and how she died.

Yeah! Oh!

It was, it was September
Winds blow, the dead leaves fall
To you, I did surrender
Two weeks, you didn't call

Your life goes on without me
My life, a losing game
But you should, you should not doubt me
You will remember my name

Oh, Ember, you will remember
Ember, one thing remains
Oh, Ember, so warm and tender
You will remember my name

Your heart, your heart has rendered
Your loss, now bear the shame.
Like dead trees, in cold December
Nothing but ashes remain

Oh, Ember, you will remember
Ember, one thing remains
Ember, so warm and tender
You will remember my name

Oh, woah, woah!

Ember, you will remember
Ember, one thing remains
Ember, so warm and tender
You will remember my name
Yeah! You will remember my name

So could the song talk about how Ember was in love with this dude and they had the common 5 dates then he move on and she waited for him but he never came back. This cause her to not only make this
song but take on a more punk look to show her heart was broken. But lets say she made some songs
that made her some what famous and her old lover came back to her cause she was becoming popular/
They went back being a couple and then Ember then started to loose fans to due her recent songs and this would have the dude leave again and cheated on Ember with another teen singer and this cause Ember to break and she ran off into the woods, but in the song it says 

"Your loss, now bear the shame.
Like dead trees, in cold December
Nothing but ashes remain"

This could mean 2 outcomes for Ember. For one she could of froze to death. What I mean by this
is that she ran into the woods and cried while leaning on a tree and it began to snow and since she was in her performance outfit she most likely froze to death.

My Second idea was that she lit her home on fire and sat in the burning house ready for death.
This could be why in her ghost form she has Blue Fire for hair.

Maybe someday or some way we'll find about the origins of the ghost within Danny Phantom.

Here are some Vids I found that could help the theory, also here's the music video for Ember.

Friday, April 24, 2020

Kingdom hearts Theory 1: Could a young Master Xehanort and Young Master Eraqus know the events that were about to happen all from a game of Chess?

So in Kingdom Hearts 3 we are shown that both a young Master Eraqus and a young Master Xehanort, We see the two play a game of chess and talking about the Keyblade war.

But If you didn't notices was that the pieces had the symbols of each of the characters. But could the 2 be playing the events of Kingdom Hearts through a game of chess? I mean when a piece was knockout that character was gone two. So are the fates of the characters tied with there chess piece counter parts?
But the question remain when the characters that were knock out return did they restart the game to play the finial battle between the 13 of Darkness vs the 7 of light? All we gather from the pieces were what character's are connected.

Here's all there chess moments.

But at the end of it the Young Eraqus place new piece onto the board, and the young Xehanort said "7 black pieces and?" and Eraqus replied with him saying "Just watch" Would this mean in the next games will they be choosing the events of each character? Or are will this be the time the Darkness beats the light? Or could this a swap were we have 13 of light and 7 of darkness? Who knows we'll just have to find out.

Mortal Kombat will always change their timelines

With Mortal Kombat we no that they deal with time travel like Flash constantly changing events. But since the first time MK came to arcades players have been loving the games since but have you notice that the timeline has change multiple times? Some times its Liu Kang who wins and sometimes its Kung Lao. But since the events of MK11 we finally found out that both Kronika claim that both  her and Raiden had change the timelines multiple times. That's why some characters disappear and reappear. No matter what changes the timeline the events play out the same except for the people that are involved with the prime events. Its like how the two dragon brothers were so important but yet they either were erased or never woken up. Or how Raiden can go super dictator demi-god mode but then just become super chill. But since the events MK11 and the death of Kronika we now have Fire/lightning/Timelord Liu Kang. Does this mean in MK12 we'll see 2 Liu Kang's? One that's a God and the other a mortal? Does this also mean that we'll see 2 Kitana's?
Who knows what's going to happen with the MK timeline? Heck maybe we'll see some past characters return like in MK11. Who we just have to see.

Wednesday, April 15, 2020

The Five nights at Freddys events are simular to Chucky E Cheese events

So we all know the game Five nights at Freddy's and the best place for us to go to when we were children aka Chuck E.Cheese, but did you ever think how these 2 places had similar events? 

So in real life Chucky E Cheese open in May 17, 1977, While in the game world Freddy fazbear pizza open in 1973. We don't know the month. But both of these places had go through changes, Like Freddy's use to be Fredbear Family dinner and Chuck E. Cheese was once called Chuck E. Cheese's Pizza Time Theatre. 

Both places had gone through different animatronics through the years but what you didn't know was that the Freddy bots were use as a storage to hold the murder children. But here's what I first thought about between these places.

Both places had a missing kid innocdent:

So both in game and real life we had missing children events. For FNAF we know it was 5 missing children but for real life Chuck E had 12 missing kids.

So you know that the kids where murder by William Affton and they were stuff into the suits of the bots. Then the dead children posed the bots. They were never found by anyone, as they control the bots there dead bodies were rotting away inside the costumes.

Chuck E. Cheese:
So for Chuck E, Cheese it was a little more darker, since this event had a man who name was Chuck. You see Chuck was hired as a walk around, little did the know was that Chuck had mental problems, Chuck had the split personality disorder and when he wore the Chuck outfit he believed that he was the rat. So he wanted to make the pizza better and since this happen during the time that the place was still Chuck E. Cheese's Pizza Time Theatre. So he drug kids and hid there bodies in a back room then later he would kill them and chop them up and put parts of there skin and blood into the pizza and then feed the pizza to the costumers that came the next day. He manage to kill 12 children he almost killed 13 but the last child manage to wake up and saw him killing the other child. So I guess you can say the other children where never found.


Second event:

Both killers died in the suits that they use to kill:

Both William and Chuck died in the suits they use to kill the children with. Even thought William first died by spring lock while Chuck was burned to death with in the suit.

William was killed when he hid within the Spring Bonnie aka Springtrap. He was hiding from the ghost of the dead children but when he started to laugh since they couldn't touch him this is what trigger the springs locks to shot out into his body. This killed William slowly and painfully. It wasn't many years later he had to be burn twice to die. Once by his Security Guard in FNAF 3 and the second time by his once good friend Henry and his son Michael.

For Chuck he was planning on burning down the pizzeria to get rid of what he did but the cops showed up and brawl broke out and Chuck ran inside the Burning pizzeria. when the fire was put out they found what's left of the killer in the Chucky costume. At first they had a hard time seeing if there was a human or a bot inside since the suit plastic parts melted to the chard body Chuck.

Third event:
Both Places are haunted by the ghost of dead children:

So in both the game and real life there are dead children haunting the places.

So we know that all the kids  that were killed haunted the location that they were killed in, and it was only when the William died they were set free except for Cassie who felt like she needed to punish William some more.

All I know is that the 2nd location of Chuck E Cheese in San Jose is haunted by a little girl ghost. But the crazy thing is she didn't die when it was a Chuck E Cheese. No she died when it was a toy store. She died by falling from the third floor of the building. Reason being she was playing and no adult was watching her and she fell to her death. But I believe the company reopen the place that was burned down by Chuck and some believe at night you can either hear laughter or screams of the dead children. Who knows maybe some of there bodies are still some where with in the place.


So what do you think? Could Scott base some of the events in FNAF off of the ones that happen at Chuck E Cheese?
These are the theories I have so far if I come up with any more i'll add them. thanks for reading.

Friday, March 6, 2020

Hello Puppets! theory 2: What happen to Nick Nack?

So Nick Nack was the character who love the Arts and Crafts. I would like to believe that Nick realize what they were doing is wrong. Using there puppeteers and other humans as a Battery or food source. So what if Nick made a puppet revolution and fight against Mortimer and Riley. When this happen maybe that what cause the Fire in the original Headquarters.  I would have also believe that Nick wasn't alone but team up it with Daisy. But I think when there revolution failed Nick and Daisy tried to go into hiding but Daisy was caught.

Maybe Daisy sacrifice to Save Nick and in doing so Riley turn her into a Sock puppet.

Now in the game when you go into Nick's area you could see him for a quick second before he poofs. So maybe he's out there trying to convince the other puppets that Mortimer and Riley are bad. Maybe he help Scout and show her the truth.

Hello Puppets! theory 1: what cause Owen to use Voodoo magic.

This Game is not what it seems. But im here to talk about a theory not the story.

Meet Owen Gubberson, He's the creator of Mortimer's Handeemen. He was also the original puppeteer of Mortimer. He felt that his puppets where alive and he wanted to give them life but I guess he would regret that choice.

Owen uses some kind of Voodoo magic to give life to his puppet's. The spell work but it came with a twist, the Character's personalities twisted. Owen felt regret on what he did but Mortimer told Owen he can help him...

What Mortimer did was to turn Owen into a Puppet himself. So the theory is since Mortimer turn Owen into a puppet does that mean a human has to stick there hand in him to bring him to life?