Friday, March 6, 2020

Hello Puppets! theory 2: What happen to Nick Nack?

So Nick Nack was the character who love the Arts and Crafts. I would like to believe that Nick realize what they were doing is wrong. Using there puppeteers and other humans as a Battery or food source. So what if Nick made a puppet revolution and fight against Mortimer and Riley. When this happen maybe that what cause the Fire in the original Headquarters.  I would have also believe that Nick wasn't alone but team up it with Daisy. But I think when there revolution failed Nick and Daisy tried to go into hiding but Daisy was caught.

Maybe Daisy sacrifice to Save Nick and in doing so Riley turn her into a Sock puppet.

Now in the game when you go into Nick's area you could see him for a quick second before he poofs. So maybe he's out there trying to convince the other puppets that Mortimer and Riley are bad. Maybe he help Scout and show her the truth.

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