Friday, March 6, 2020

Hello Puppets! theory 2: What happen to Nick Nack?

So Nick Nack was the character who love the Arts and Crafts. I would like to believe that Nick realize what they were doing is wrong. Using there puppeteers and other humans as a Battery or food source. So what if Nick made a puppet revolution and fight against Mortimer and Riley. When this happen maybe that what cause the Fire in the original Headquarters.  I would have also believe that Nick wasn't alone but team up it with Daisy. But I think when there revolution failed Nick and Daisy tried to go into hiding but Daisy was caught.

Maybe Daisy sacrifice to Save Nick and in doing so Riley turn her into a Sock puppet.

Now in the game when you go into Nick's area you could see him for a quick second before he poofs. So maybe he's out there trying to convince the other puppets that Mortimer and Riley are bad. Maybe he help Scout and show her the truth.

Hello Puppets! theory 1: what cause Owen to use Voodoo magic.

This Game is not what it seems. But im here to talk about a theory not the story.

Meet Owen Gubberson, He's the creator of Mortimer's Handeemen. He was also the original puppeteer of Mortimer. He felt that his puppets where alive and he wanted to give them life but I guess he would regret that choice.

Owen uses some kind of Voodoo magic to give life to his puppet's. The spell work but it came with a twist, the Character's personalities twisted. Owen felt regret on what he did but Mortimer told Owen he can help him...

What Mortimer did was to turn Owen into a Puppet himself. So the theory is since Mortimer turn Owen into a puppet does that mean a human has to stick there hand in him to bring him to life?

Sunday, March 1, 2020

Power Ranger Theory 3: Z is the daughter of the Wild force ranger Danny Delgado.

In the first of two parentage-related fan theories, we have take a look at Z, the yellow Ranger in Power Rangers: SPD, frontrunner among Power Rangers series . Z’s full name is Elizabeth Delgado, a last name she shares with a former Ranger: Danny Delgado.
Danny was the Iron Bison Ranger of Power Rangers: Wild Force, but the timeline works out so that any kids that Danny had after that series could be roughly around Z’s age.
Danny spent a lot of time trying to get with his teammate Kendall in Wild Force, so it isn’t so crazy to think that love finally won out and they may have got together. The two might have had kids, one of whom proudly carried on the Ranger legacy, even if she didn’t inherit her dad’s color.

Power Ranger theory 2: Billy is the Phantom Ranger

The Phantom Ranger was a mysterious ally who worked with the Rangers in Turbo and In Space. Clad in black and silver with powers tied to Zordon’s planet and the Morphing Grid, his identity was never revealed.
Producer Shuki Levy initially imagined the Phantom Ranger as the embodiment of the spirits of past fallen Rangers, as a sort of “Ghost Robot." However, I believe that the Phantom Ranger was in fact Billy Cranston from a alternate future but came back in disguise.
Billy was the gadgeteer genius of the Power Rangers into the Zeo era, and the Phantom Ranger’s powers seem technology-based. When the Pink Ranger asked who he was after he rescued the Turbo team, his response was, “A friend.”
Everybody knows that if someone in disguise says “a friend” when you ask their identity, they’re totally someone familiar, and you should probably just start rattling off people you know.
Could this be a Billy from a alternate timeline where his friends died by the hands Evil and he came back through time to prevent what happens in his timeline?

Power Ranger theory 1: Megaforce series all took place within a simulator created by Tommy.

Power Rangers: Megaforce and its sequel Super Megaforce follow a team of Rangers who come together to defeat the Warstar aliens and their massive invasion Armada.
In Super Megaforce, they gain the ability to morph into any previous team of Rangers to counter threats, and it all ends in a massive battle with every past Power Ranger joining to repel the X-borgs of the Armada. If you think that sounds a little far-fetched, you’re not alone.
Cestro from RangerBoard theorizes that the two seasons are actually Tommy Oliver’s plan to form a new team, as he’s done in the past, but with a twist: none of it is real. The Rangers are in a Matrix-like simulation designed to minimize danger while training and evaluating their abilities.
It explains the inconsistencies with past continuity in the series, such as no one knowing that Power Rangers or Aliens are real, as well as the slightly different designs of certain machines and locations like the Lionzord and Corinth, since Tommy Oliver had no first-hand experience of them.

Back to the Future theory 2: Ch-Ch-Changes!!!

Ever wondered what happened to Jennifer? In reality, Claudia Wells, the first Jennifer, was unable to reprise the role due to her mother becoming ill. The studio recast Elisabeth Shue for Back to the Future II and III and reshot the final footage of BTTF with Shue instead of Wells for BTTF 2’s opening. Fans, however, have a content-driven theory.
According to fans, when Marty went back to 1955, something he did messed with the timeline(s) of Jennifer’s parents. As a result, the circumstances of her birth weren’t the same and her looks ended up slightly different. Pretty cool way to explain a cast change!

Back to the future theory 1: Marty changes can be seen in the first part of the 1rst movie.

In this Cult classic we have a young teen name Marty McFly (played by Michael J Fox), You see Marty's friend/boss Doctor Emmet Brown has just created the first Time machine and wanted to show his greatest invention to Marty and wanted him to record the event but things were cut short for old Doc when we was gun down by some Libyan's. So Marty hops into the DeLorean and goes back in time back to when his parents were teens, (also before they met.).

So here's the thing since Marty is from the future he knows certain events like his parents school dance, Goldie becoming Mayor, and the Clock tower getting struck by lightning. But have you ever know that Marty has done these certain things to the timeline. He's the reason that Goldie became the mayor, His the reason for his parents hooking up, and he's the one to help inspire the young Doc to continue his career in Science.

But if you look at the Clock tower at the scene when Marty and Jenifer are about to kiss you could clearly see what looks like a wire hanging from it. This proves that Marty has already gone back through time. So this means that the Marty were  watching is just one of many Marty's of countless timelines.

The way I see it is that the we watch goes through the events in the movie but when he returns he takes the spot of another timeline Marty. So no matter what every Marty takes control of the next timeline and lives as that Marty.

Bonus Yugioh Theory: Exodia is the 4rth GOD card?

There’s plenty of talk about gods of various forms in the world of Yu-Gi-Oh!. After all, the anime is heavily steeped in Egyptian mythology, and has cards that actually represent some of the major gods of Egypt. One theory argues that Exodia, the card that grants its user an instant victory over their opponent, is actually a representation of God, the supreme being that rules over all of humanity.
Even though duel monsters is based on Egyptian hieroglyphs that Pegasus discovered, there are some who suspect that Exodia was a monotheistic God who ruled supreme over all other gods in ancient Egypt. He’s referred to as “The Forbidden One” because the Pharaohs forbid their people from worshipping him, and his supreme power suggests that the Egyptians were ultimately wrong. They may have discovered Exodia and recognized his supreme power, even as they attempted to retain their privileges as god kings.