Sunday, March 1, 2020

Power Ranger theory 1: Megaforce series all took place within a simulator created by Tommy.

Power Rangers: Megaforce and its sequel Super Megaforce follow a team of Rangers who come together to defeat the Warstar aliens and their massive invasion Armada.
In Super Megaforce, they gain the ability to morph into any previous team of Rangers to counter threats, and it all ends in a massive battle with every past Power Ranger joining to repel the X-borgs of the Armada. If you think that sounds a little far-fetched, you’re not alone.
Cestro from RangerBoard theorizes that the two seasons are actually Tommy Oliver’s plan to form a new team, as he’s done in the past, but with a twist: none of it is real. The Rangers are in a Matrix-like simulation designed to minimize danger while training and evaluating their abilities.
It explains the inconsistencies with past continuity in the series, such as no one knowing that Power Rangers or Aliens are real, as well as the slightly different designs of certain machines and locations like the Lionzord and Corinth, since Tommy Oliver had no first-hand experience of them.

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