Thursday, February 27, 2020

Pokemon theory: Could there be 3 timelines?

Ah yes the world of Pokémon, The Anime/game series that everyone had at least connected with one point in there lives'. But this is about Ash the main character of the Pokémon series.

This Theory of mine has to do with Ash and how there might be 3 different Timelines.

So this is how I see each of the timelines:

Timeline A: The Ash we first met back in 1997 to today.

Timeline B: The Ash from the Pokémon Movie "I choose you"

Timeline C: The 3d Ash from Pokémon movie Mewtwo strikes back Evolution.

Let's start off with timeline A  Ash.

                                                                 Timeline A:

Timeline A, Is the Ash we grew up with the who keeps dying and getting brought back to life just like Kenny in south park minus the rebirth. But this ash has gone from Kanto to Galar. Most recently Ash became the First Champion of Aloha Region. So at least he's finally a champion. But also this is the Ash who seems to never age. But if Ash age like the rest of us did he would be 32 in April.

                                                                        Timeline B:

This Ash is similar to the Ash we know but with one major change, He never traveled around Kanto with Misty and Brock. Also This version of Ash became something called "The Rainbow Hero" He got this title after receiving a Rainbow Feather by the Legendary Pokémon Ho-oh. See Ash travel with two other trainers know as Sorrel (From the Sinnoh Region) and Verity (who is also from Sinnoh Region). 
One thing I did notice was that these 2 new companions seem very similar to Brock and Misty.
But at the end of the Movie we do get pictures that show Ash and Pikachu with there friends, but in the next movie its show once more Ash and Pikachu by themselves, but this Ash seems to have skip the Aloha Region and went straight to Galar. Since at the credits of "I choose you" We did not see any characters from the Aloha region.
                                                                          Timeline C:

This Ash is very Similar to his Timeline A counterpart but the events that happen like it did in that Timeline had a slight twist. Some key points have change. But since this Movie came out today I don't really have that much of theory nor info. So once I could get more then I'll  add it.

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