Wednesday, February 26, 2020

Yugioh Theory 1 part 2: What happens if Kiba did return to his own timeline.

Ok so in my first theory I talk about how Kiba went to the Pharaoh's world and on returning to his world something happen that cause Kiba getting sent to the future. At the end of that theory I talk about what if Kiba did return back to his time line.

So you see what if Kiba did manage to return to his timeline and with the knowledge he gain from the future this would be how he built the Dark Dimension Duel disk and Duel link. But you have to remember there would be 2 Seto Kiba's now. So what if future Kiba stayed in the shadows until this timeline Kiba launches him self to the world of the Pharaoh. When that happen Kiba use his ship to make it like he just return like he promise.


My other theory is that what happens future Kiba returns to this timeline and again he tries to stay in the shadows, But the events of Dark Dimension happen and when Yugi/Yami save everyone, The 2 kibas fuse into one this way the time line has only one Seto Kiba.


I'll add some more for this later.

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