Thursday, February 27, 2020

Yugioh theory 3: Yugi is the Other Half of Yami's Soul

The idea behind this theory has a couple competitors throughout this list, but this one works on a metaphorical and literal level. The theory argues that Yugi is actually the other half of Yami’s soul. In other words, Yugi is Yami’s conscience, and keeps him from doing some of the crueler things he considers. On a metaphorical level, this is almost certainly the case. There are numerous occasions where we see Yami considers doing something awful, and he's only stopped by Yugi’s presence.
The theory goes further than that, though, and suggests that Yugi is literally the other half of Yami’s soul, and that they are reunited when he finishes the Millennium Puzzle. This is ultimately what allows Yami to move on, and it provides much of the best dramatic tension that the show has to offer.
Whether Yugi and Yami literally complete one another, it’s perfectly clear that that’s the metaphor the show is working with, and it’s one they pull off successfully.

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