Thursday, February 27, 2020

Yugioh theory 2: Yugi Eventually Ages Into Yami

This theory may seem a bit obvious, but it’s probably also true. In the English dub of the show, Yugi has a much higher voice than Yami, and that’s intentional. The fact that they look almost identical suggests that, in a few years, Yugi could age into someone who’s virtually indistinguishable from the spirit that once lived inside his Millennium Item.
The main backing for this theory comes from the scene early on in Yu-Gi-Oh! GX when Jaden runs into an older Yugi, and is given his Winged Kuriboh. Because Yami has already returned to the afterlife, it’s unclear how he could be the one who gives Jaden the Winged Kuriboh, but his voice sounds almost exactly like Yami’s during the scene. This has led many to suggest that Yugi actually ages into that voice and appearance.
Yugi already looked quite a bit like Yami, so it’s not much of a stretch to suggest that’s how he looks when he’s older.

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