Tuesday, August 4, 2020

Danny Phantom theory 2: What if Danny's cousin/clone Danielle wasn't really his clone?

So we all know of Danielle "Dani" she was the clone/cousin to Danny Phantom, but what if she wasn't a clone. What happen if she was really his oldest sister? In the Early days of Danny Phantom before what we got, Danny was originally going to have twin sisters but they decide to make it so he had one sister. So what if he still had a older sister and what if like Danny she was there when the parents and Vlad were making the 2nd prototype of the Ghost portal and just like Danny she step inside but she hit the button that would activate the machine it didn't grant her the Ghost DNA like it did for Danny but in stead it accidently killed her. Since the machine was still in its beta stage It probly wasn't safe for humans. Her death would of been so dramatic to the Fenton's. Knowing what had happen and wanting to continue the project Vlad would of use a machine to erase the current Fenton's memories of the daughter they lost. So years later after Danny's transformation and such Vlad took what he had left of the Fenton's dead daughter, He would take her DNA and Danny's DNA to combine them and make Danielle. He also took away the memory that the clone had of her past life and made her believe she was the cousin to the Fenton's kids.

But we know that she was the only clone to survive and we also now know that she went to explore the world and find her place, but what would happen if she could regain her true memories and return and help her true family unlock there's. (Well except for Danny cause he probly wouldn't of been born yet at the time of her death.) 

Danny Phantom Theory 1: Ember's Song explains her backstory and how she died.

Yeah! Oh!

It was, it was September
Winds blow, the dead leaves fall
To you, I did surrender
Two weeks, you didn't call

Your life goes on without me
My life, a losing game
But you should, you should not doubt me
You will remember my name

Oh, Ember, you will remember
Ember, one thing remains
Oh, Ember, so warm and tender
You will remember my name

Your heart, your heart has rendered
Your loss, now bear the shame.
Like dead trees, in cold December
Nothing but ashes remain

Oh, Ember, you will remember
Ember, one thing remains
Ember, so warm and tender
You will remember my name

Oh, woah, woah!

Ember, you will remember
Ember, one thing remains
Ember, so warm and tender
You will remember my name
Yeah! You will remember my name

So could the song talk about how Ember was in love with this dude and they had the common 5 dates then he move on and she waited for him but he never came back. This cause her to not only make this
song but take on a more punk look to show her heart was broken. But lets say she made some songs
that made her some what famous and her old lover came back to her cause she was becoming popular/
They went back being a couple and then Ember then started to loose fans to due her recent songs and this would have the dude leave again and cheated on Ember with another teen singer and this cause Ember to break and she ran off into the woods, but in the song it says 

"Your loss, now bear the shame.
Like dead trees, in cold December
Nothing but ashes remain"

This could mean 2 outcomes for Ember. For one she could of froze to death. What I mean by this
is that she ran into the woods and cried while leaning on a tree and it began to snow and since she was in her performance outfit she most likely froze to death.

My Second idea was that she lit her home on fire and sat in the burning house ready for death.
This could be why in her ghost form she has Blue Fire for hair.

Maybe someday or some way we'll find about the origins of the ghost within Danny Phantom.

Here are some Vids I found that could help the theory, also here's the music video for Ember.

Friday, April 24, 2020

Kingdom hearts Theory 1: Could a young Master Xehanort and Young Master Eraqus know the events that were about to happen all from a game of Chess?

So in Kingdom Hearts 3 we are shown that both a young Master Eraqus and a young Master Xehanort, We see the two play a game of chess and talking about the Keyblade war.

But If you didn't notices was that the pieces had the symbols of each of the characters. But could the 2 be playing the events of Kingdom Hearts through a game of chess? I mean when a piece was knockout that character was gone two. So are the fates of the characters tied with there chess piece counter parts?
But the question remain when the characters that were knock out return did they restart the game to play the finial battle between the 13 of Darkness vs the 7 of light? All we gather from the pieces were what character's are connected.

Here's all there chess moments.

But at the end of it the Young Eraqus place new piece onto the board, and the young Xehanort said "7 black pieces and?" and Eraqus replied with him saying "Just watch" Would this mean in the next games will they be choosing the events of each character? Or are will this be the time the Darkness beats the light? Or could this a swap were we have 13 of light and 7 of darkness? Who knows we'll just have to find out.

Mortal Kombat will always change their timelines

With Mortal Kombat we no that they deal with time travel like Flash constantly changing events. But since the first time MK came to arcades players have been loving the games since but have you notice that the timeline has change multiple times? Some times its Liu Kang who wins and sometimes its Kung Lao. But since the events of MK11 we finally found out that both Kronika claim that both  her and Raiden had change the timelines multiple times. That's why some characters disappear and reappear. No matter what changes the timeline the events play out the same except for the people that are involved with the prime events. Its like how the two dragon brothers were so important but yet they either were erased or never woken up. Or how Raiden can go super dictator demi-god mode but then just become super chill. But since the events MK11 and the death of Kronika we now have Fire/lightning/Timelord Liu Kang. Does this mean in MK12 we'll see 2 Liu Kang's? One that's a God and the other a mortal? Does this also mean that we'll see 2 Kitana's?
Who knows what's going to happen with the MK timeline? Heck maybe we'll see some past characters return like in MK11. Who we just have to see.

Wednesday, April 15, 2020

The Five nights at Freddys events are simular to Chucky E Cheese events

So we all know the game Five nights at Freddy's and the best place for us to go to when we were children aka Chuck E.Cheese, but did you ever think how these 2 places had similar events? 

So in real life Chucky E Cheese open in May 17, 1977, While in the game world Freddy fazbear pizza open in 1973. We don't know the month. But both of these places had go through changes, Like Freddy's use to be Fredbear Family dinner and Chuck E. Cheese was once called Chuck E. Cheese's Pizza Time Theatre. 

Both places had gone through different animatronics through the years but what you didn't know was that the Freddy bots were use as a storage to hold the murder children. But here's what I first thought about between these places.

Both places had a missing kid innocdent:

So both in game and real life we had missing children events. For FNAF we know it was 5 missing children but for real life Chuck E had 12 missing kids.

So you know that the kids where murder by William Affton and they were stuff into the suits of the bots. Then the dead children posed the bots. They were never found by anyone, as they control the bots there dead bodies were rotting away inside the costumes.

Chuck E. Cheese:
So for Chuck E, Cheese it was a little more darker, since this event had a man who name was Chuck. You see Chuck was hired as a walk around, little did the know was that Chuck had mental problems, Chuck had the split personality disorder and when he wore the Chuck outfit he believed that he was the rat. So he wanted to make the pizza better and since this happen during the time that the place was still Chuck E. Cheese's Pizza Time Theatre. So he drug kids and hid there bodies in a back room then later he would kill them and chop them up and put parts of there skin and blood into the pizza and then feed the pizza to the costumers that came the next day. He manage to kill 12 children he almost killed 13 but the last child manage to wake up and saw him killing the other child. So I guess you can say the other children where never found.


Second event:

Both killers died in the suits that they use to kill:

Both William and Chuck died in the suits they use to kill the children with. Even thought William first died by spring lock while Chuck was burned to death with in the suit.

William was killed when he hid within the Spring Bonnie aka Springtrap. He was hiding from the ghost of the dead children but when he started to laugh since they couldn't touch him this is what trigger the springs locks to shot out into his body. This killed William slowly and painfully. It wasn't many years later he had to be burn twice to die. Once by his Security Guard in FNAF 3 and the second time by his once good friend Henry and his son Michael.

For Chuck he was planning on burning down the pizzeria to get rid of what he did but the cops showed up and brawl broke out and Chuck ran inside the Burning pizzeria. when the fire was put out they found what's left of the killer in the Chucky costume. At first they had a hard time seeing if there was a human or a bot inside since the suit plastic parts melted to the chard body Chuck.

Third event:
Both Places are haunted by the ghost of dead children:

So in both the game and real life there are dead children haunting the places.

So we know that all the kids  that were killed haunted the location that they were killed in, and it was only when the William died they were set free except for Cassie who felt like she needed to punish William some more.

All I know is that the 2nd location of Chuck E Cheese in San Jose is haunted by a little girl ghost. But the crazy thing is she didn't die when it was a Chuck E Cheese. No she died when it was a toy store. She died by falling from the third floor of the building. Reason being she was playing and no adult was watching her and she fell to her death. But I believe the company reopen the place that was burned down by Chuck and some believe at night you can either hear laughter or screams of the dead children. Who knows maybe some of there bodies are still some where with in the place.


So what do you think? Could Scott base some of the events in FNAF off of the ones that happen at Chuck E Cheese?
These are the theories I have so far if I come up with any more i'll add them. thanks for reading.

Friday, March 6, 2020

Hello Puppets! theory 2: What happen to Nick Nack?

So Nick Nack was the character who love the Arts and Crafts. I would like to believe that Nick realize what they were doing is wrong. Using there puppeteers and other humans as a Battery or food source. So what if Nick made a puppet revolution and fight against Mortimer and Riley. When this happen maybe that what cause the Fire in the original Headquarters.  I would have also believe that Nick wasn't alone but team up it with Daisy. But I think when there revolution failed Nick and Daisy tried to go into hiding but Daisy was caught.

Maybe Daisy sacrifice to Save Nick and in doing so Riley turn her into a Sock puppet.

Now in the game when you go into Nick's area you could see him for a quick second before he poofs. So maybe he's out there trying to convince the other puppets that Mortimer and Riley are bad. Maybe he help Scout and show her the truth.

Hello Puppets! theory 1: what cause Owen to use Voodoo magic.

This Game is not what it seems. But im here to talk about a theory not the story.

Meet Owen Gubberson, He's the creator of Mortimer's Handeemen. He was also the original puppeteer of Mortimer. He felt that his puppets where alive and he wanted to give them life but I guess he would regret that choice.

Owen uses some kind of Voodoo magic to give life to his puppet's. The spell work but it came with a twist, the Character's personalities twisted. Owen felt regret on what he did but Mortimer told Owen he can help him...

What Mortimer did was to turn Owen into a Puppet himself. So the theory is since Mortimer turn Owen into a puppet does that mean a human has to stick there hand in him to bring him to life?

Sunday, March 1, 2020

Power Ranger Theory 3: Z is the daughter of the Wild force ranger Danny Delgado.

In the first of two parentage-related fan theories, we have take a look at Z, the yellow Ranger in Power Rangers: SPD, frontrunner among Power Rangers series . Z’s full name is Elizabeth Delgado, a last name she shares with a former Ranger: Danny Delgado.
Danny was the Iron Bison Ranger of Power Rangers: Wild Force, but the timeline works out so that any kids that Danny had after that series could be roughly around Z’s age.
Danny spent a lot of time trying to get with his teammate Kendall in Wild Force, so it isn’t so crazy to think that love finally won out and they may have got together. The two might have had kids, one of whom proudly carried on the Ranger legacy, even if she didn’t inherit her dad’s color.

Power Ranger theory 2: Billy is the Phantom Ranger

The Phantom Ranger was a mysterious ally who worked with the Rangers in Turbo and In Space. Clad in black and silver with powers tied to Zordon’s planet and the Morphing Grid, his identity was never revealed.
Producer Shuki Levy initially imagined the Phantom Ranger as the embodiment of the spirits of past fallen Rangers, as a sort of “Ghost Robot." However, I believe that the Phantom Ranger was in fact Billy Cranston from a alternate future but came back in disguise.
Billy was the gadgeteer genius of the Power Rangers into the Zeo era, and the Phantom Ranger’s powers seem technology-based. When the Pink Ranger asked who he was after he rescued the Turbo team, his response was, “A friend.”
Everybody knows that if someone in disguise says “a friend” when you ask their identity, they’re totally someone familiar, and you should probably just start rattling off people you know.
Could this be a Billy from a alternate timeline where his friends died by the hands Evil and he came back through time to prevent what happens in his timeline?

Power Ranger theory 1: Megaforce series all took place within a simulator created by Tommy.

Power Rangers: Megaforce and its sequel Super Megaforce follow a team of Rangers who come together to defeat the Warstar aliens and their massive invasion Armada.
In Super Megaforce, they gain the ability to morph into any previous team of Rangers to counter threats, and it all ends in a massive battle with every past Power Ranger joining to repel the X-borgs of the Armada. If you think that sounds a little far-fetched, you’re not alone.
Cestro from RangerBoard theorizes that the two seasons are actually Tommy Oliver’s plan to form a new team, as he’s done in the past, but with a twist: none of it is real. The Rangers are in a Matrix-like simulation designed to minimize danger while training and evaluating their abilities.
It explains the inconsistencies with past continuity in the series, such as no one knowing that Power Rangers or Aliens are real, as well as the slightly different designs of certain machines and locations like the Lionzord and Corinth, since Tommy Oliver had no first-hand experience of them.

Back to the Future theory 2: Ch-Ch-Changes!!!

Ever wondered what happened to Jennifer? In reality, Claudia Wells, the first Jennifer, was unable to reprise the role due to her mother becoming ill. The studio recast Elisabeth Shue for Back to the Future II and III and reshot the final footage of BTTF with Shue instead of Wells for BTTF 2’s opening. Fans, however, have a content-driven theory.
According to fans, when Marty went back to 1955, something he did messed with the timeline(s) of Jennifer’s parents. As a result, the circumstances of her birth weren’t the same and her looks ended up slightly different. Pretty cool way to explain a cast change!

Back to the future theory 1: Marty changes can be seen in the first part of the 1rst movie.

In this Cult classic we have a young teen name Marty McFly (played by Michael J Fox), You see Marty's friend/boss Doctor Emmet Brown has just created the first Time machine and wanted to show his greatest invention to Marty and wanted him to record the event but things were cut short for old Doc when we was gun down by some Libyan's. So Marty hops into the DeLorean and goes back in time back to when his parents were teens, (also before they met.).

So here's the thing since Marty is from the future he knows certain events like his parents school dance, Goldie becoming Mayor, and the Clock tower getting struck by lightning. But have you ever know that Marty has done these certain things to the timeline. He's the reason that Goldie became the mayor, His the reason for his parents hooking up, and he's the one to help inspire the young Doc to continue his career in Science.

But if you look at the Clock tower at the scene when Marty and Jenifer are about to kiss you could clearly see what looks like a wire hanging from it. This proves that Marty has already gone back through time. So this means that the Marty were  watching is just one of many Marty's of countless timelines.

The way I see it is that the we watch goes through the events in the movie but when he returns he takes the spot of another timeline Marty. So no matter what every Marty takes control of the next timeline and lives as that Marty.

Bonus Yugioh Theory: Exodia is the 4rth GOD card?

There’s plenty of talk about gods of various forms in the world of Yu-Gi-Oh!. After all, the anime is heavily steeped in Egyptian mythology, and has cards that actually represent some of the major gods of Egypt. One theory argues that Exodia, the card that grants its user an instant victory over their opponent, is actually a representation of God, the supreme being that rules over all of humanity.
Even though duel monsters is based on Egyptian hieroglyphs that Pegasus discovered, there are some who suspect that Exodia was a monotheistic God who ruled supreme over all other gods in ancient Egypt. He’s referred to as “The Forbidden One” because the Pharaohs forbid their people from worshipping him, and his supreme power suggests that the Egyptians were ultimately wrong. They may have discovered Exodia and recognized his supreme power, even as they attempted to retain their privileges as god kings.

Thursday, February 27, 2020

Yugioh theory 4: Yugi is Atem's Reincarnation

By the end of Yu-Gi-Oh!, we come to understand that the spirit that has been inhabiting Yugi is an ancient pharaoh from Egypt who goes by the name Atem. Initially, it seems as though Yami or Atem is simply an extension of Yugi’s mind, a voice that offers him guidance and sometimes takes over to protect Yugi from rough duels. Although we eventually learn who Atem really is, there are some who argue that the resemblance between Yugi and Atem is more than mere coincidence. 

This theory suggests that Yugi is actually a reincarnated Atem, and it works alongside the theory that Yugi eventually ages into him. In the world of Yu-Gi-OhI, it’s definitely a possibility, but it’s tempered somewhat by the differences between Yugi and Atem’s personalities. Yugi is always shown to be more kind and gentle than the spirit who lives inside of him, which may throw cold water on those who believe that the two are actually one and the same.  Would this mean that the other's who came into conntact with  the Millennium Items? Heck would this Mean Seto is also a reincarnation of the one that battle Atem all thoose years ago? 

Yugioh theory 3: Yugi is the Other Half of Yami's Soul

The idea behind this theory has a couple competitors throughout this list, but this one works on a metaphorical and literal level. The theory argues that Yugi is actually the other half of Yami’s soul. In other words, Yugi is Yami’s conscience, and keeps him from doing some of the crueler things he considers. On a metaphorical level, this is almost certainly the case. There are numerous occasions where we see Yami considers doing something awful, and he's only stopped by Yugi’s presence.
The theory goes further than that, though, and suggests that Yugi is literally the other half of Yami’s soul, and that they are reunited when he finishes the Millennium Puzzle. This is ultimately what allows Yami to move on, and it provides much of the best dramatic tension that the show has to offer.
Whether Yugi and Yami literally complete one another, it’s perfectly clear that that’s the metaphor the show is working with, and it’s one they pull off successfully.

Yugioh theory 2: Yugi Eventually Ages Into Yami

This theory may seem a bit obvious, but it’s probably also true. In the English dub of the show, Yugi has a much higher voice than Yami, and that’s intentional. The fact that they look almost identical suggests that, in a few years, Yugi could age into someone who’s virtually indistinguishable from the spirit that once lived inside his Millennium Item.
The main backing for this theory comes from the scene early on in Yu-Gi-Oh! GX when Jaden runs into an older Yugi, and is given his Winged Kuriboh. Because Yami has already returned to the afterlife, it’s unclear how he could be the one who gives Jaden the Winged Kuriboh, but his voice sounds almost exactly like Yami’s during the scene. This has led many to suggest that Yugi actually ages into that voice and appearance.
Yugi already looked quite a bit like Yami, so it’s not much of a stretch to suggest that’s how he looks when he’s older.

Pokemon theory: Could there be 3 timelines?

Ah yes the world of Pokémon, The Anime/game series that everyone had at least connected with one point in there lives'. But this is about Ash the main character of the Pokémon series.

This Theory of mine has to do with Ash and how there might be 3 different Timelines.

So this is how I see each of the timelines:

Timeline A: The Ash we first met back in 1997 to today.

Timeline B: The Ash from the Pokémon Movie "I choose you"

Timeline C: The 3d Ash from Pokémon movie Mewtwo strikes back Evolution.

Let's start off with timeline A  Ash.

                                                                 Timeline A:

Timeline A, Is the Ash we grew up with the who keeps dying and getting brought back to life just like Kenny in south park minus the rebirth. But this ash has gone from Kanto to Galar. Most recently Ash became the First Champion of Aloha Region. So at least he's finally a champion. But also this is the Ash who seems to never age. But if Ash age like the rest of us did he would be 32 in April.

                                                                        Timeline B:

This Ash is similar to the Ash we know but with one major change, He never traveled around Kanto with Misty and Brock. Also This version of Ash became something called "The Rainbow Hero" He got this title after receiving a Rainbow Feather by the Legendary Pokémon Ho-oh. See Ash travel with two other trainers know as Sorrel (From the Sinnoh Region) and Verity (who is also from Sinnoh Region). 
One thing I did notice was that these 2 new companions seem very similar to Brock and Misty.
But at the end of the Movie we do get pictures that show Ash and Pikachu with there friends, but in the next movie its show once more Ash and Pikachu by themselves, but this Ash seems to have skip the Aloha Region and went straight to Galar. Since at the credits of "I choose you" We did not see any characters from the Aloha region.
                                                                          Timeline C:

This Ash is very Similar to his Timeline A counterpart but the events that happen like it did in that Timeline had a slight twist. Some key points have change. But since this Movie came out today I don't really have that much of theory nor info. So once I could get more then I'll  add it.

Wednesday, February 26, 2020

Five nights at Freddy Theory: theres 2 timelines?

A Five Nights at Freddy's...The Horror game that change a lot for indie creators. (Thank you Scott)

But where not here to talk about that, your here to read this site on how I believe there's 2 timelines in this series.

That's right! sure maybe Dawko and Matpat have talk a little about this type of theory but its my turn to talk about. So rise that curtain and grab your pizza slices and kick back and watch your power and lets begin!

Timeline A:Video Game series
Timeline B:Bookseries

So both timelines start here in the year 1973 with the opening with this place....

This is were Henry and William start everything. This is where the timelines are still at one.
But lets jump to the year of 1995, this is where the timelines split you see in timeline A Henry's daughter Charlie dies and becomes the Marionette while Timeline B Charlie is still alive.

Timeline A Charlie:

This timeline Charlie dies as a child. Supposedly William kidnaps hers outside of Fredbear and Friends. This however also has the Security Marionette follow her to Charlie's Death and the 6th soul conversion. You see before William kills Charlie, William's second oldest Elizabeth gets killed by Baby and this event cause Henry to cover up and Burry Bab'y Circus. This cause William to rage and show Henry what it feels like by Killing Henry's only child Charlie.
Timeline B:
In this Timeline Charlie doesn't die at Fredbear and friends but instead witness the death of one her friends and 5 others. But a now Adult Charlie wants to solve the mysteries of her fathers company.
(Adult Charlie)

Ok so the time lines split, You see in the Game William Afton has 3 kids while in the Book he only has 2. 

In the Book his Kids were a Girl and a Boy, so in this timeline there is no Michael. Also in this Timeline the Fazbear Entertainment never made it pass Freddy Fazbear Pizza. So this timeline has no Fazbear frights.

But heres the one crazy theory I've been thinking could the timelines connect due to the events of the VR game? 
                                                                Timeline B:
Ok so in timeline we have a alive Charlie who is trying to uncover the past of her fathers Company and what happen to her friend. But in the year in which Timeline A would have Fazbear frights we have Charlie attending College with some of her home town friends. She even been taking college course's in Robotics just like her father did all those years ago. She's even dating one of Childhood friends.

You see in this Timeline William is long dead and has been sitting in the abandon Freddy's this how ever has this Timelines Charlie and her friends killing and burning down that location with William/Dave inside. (In this Timeline William change his name to Dave to go into hiding but that failed.)  

In Book 2 Its shown that instead of dealing with Glitch trap like we do in Timeline A we instead get these Twisited versions of Freddy, Bonnie, Foxy and a new Bot name "The Wolf". (Sorry no Chica or Golden Freddy) You see this Timeline William program them to kill Charlie. Also in this timeline William felt the Gulit in what he's done and instead of having the souls of the dead children trick him into getting killed by the springlock suit he kills himself with in the suit.(Not giving away spoilers so go read the book yourself)
 Timeline B:

We do find out in Book 3 that this Charlie isn't Human at all. You see the real Charlie died in a accident. After that Henry went into a very deep depression and since William also had felt his pain he tried helping Henry but Henry block every one out, So like Micheal in Timeline A  Henry makes a very advance animatronic version of his dead Daughter. After he completed her he sent her to his sister.
 Back in Timeline A: 

Marionette/Charlie does the normal events in the timeline that was shown in the games. So I don't really need to know more.

That's I have for now on this Theory thing, so until we get more info, i'll come back and add to this.

Yugioh Theory 1 part 2: What happens if Kiba did return to his own timeline.

Ok so in my first theory I talk about how Kiba went to the Pharaoh's world and on returning to his world something happen that cause Kiba getting sent to the future. At the end of that theory I talk about what if Kiba did return back to his time line.

So you see what if Kiba did manage to return to his timeline and with the knowledge he gain from the future this would be how he built the Dark Dimension Duel disk and Duel link. But you have to remember there would be 2 Seto Kiba's now. So what if future Kiba stayed in the shadows until this timeline Kiba launches him self to the world of the Pharaoh. When that happen Kiba use his ship to make it like he just return like he promise.


My other theory is that what happens future Kiba returns to this timeline and again he tries to stay in the shadows, But the events of Dark Dimension happen and when Yugi/Yami save everyone, The 2 kibas fuse into one this way the time line has only one Seto Kiba.


I'll add some more for this later.

Yugioh Theory 1: Seto Kiba has been behind everything in the series? (Part 1)

Ah Kiba… Our first lovable Villain. Sure he might of been a jerk when we first met him but he has a soft spot for his little brother. But what I know about Seto Kiba is that he was in charge of the Kiba Corp. You see in the Yugioh world Kiba Corp is the company that makes the Duel disk.

As you see above me are the Duel disk from each season of Yu-gi-oh (Minus the Dark Dimension one), So heres when my theory takes off.

So we know Kiba wanted to make the best for him and his brother Mokuba. Since he was a kid him and his brother became Orphans, they had relatives but the 2 were dumped into a Orphanage while there other relatives took there parents will.

Years later the 2 started Kiba corp well they did a takeover. You see the Original Kiba Corp made weapons but when Seto took control he change them into making Game Gear. So Seto kept pushing his Company to make the best gear. That's why hes always inventing new ways to duel.

That's why in Yugioh Dark Dimensions you see him with a very advance duel disk. This is when my theory starts.

So if you know the Yugioh time line you know that the original series is at the start then we have GX, then Zexal, then we get to 5DS, but Arc-V and Vrains.

The thing is that Kiba made a cameo in both GX and 5DS. But if 5ds is in the far off future how could Kiba be there and not have age.


So my theory is that at the end of Yugioh Dark Dimension when Kiba goes to the Pharaoh's World to challenge him again. Kiba Promise Mokuba that'll be back but what if when he was returning something happen causing him to get sent into the future the far future. This could explain why the Duel disk always look a little advance for the there time and its know that Kiba corp is still mention in some episode of Yugioh. But then again it could be that once Seto disappear Mokuba took control and when Kiba came back he took control from his brothers great great great Grandson. This could explain a lot of things. But Also who knows maybe Kiba is the one who made the machine in Arc-V that why duelist could travel, but what if Seto was trying to make a way for him to return home. But what if he couldn't. What if every dimension he open only brought up the current day. So what if he decide to go back to the Pharaohs world and try to repeat what he did. Who knows maybe during the events of Vrains, Seto in between worlds.
Also we know that in Arc-V that the people were using the pre duel disk before the new versions before the events of Dark Dimension, but when Seto decide to go back to the Pharaohs world, he left his company to who ever was related to him.